Achieve Peak Performance in Free-Diving with Oumua's Breathing Trainer

Breath training helps increase lung capacity and oxygen efficiency, making it a must for free-divers.

Enhance free-diving performance

Lung Capacity
Breathing exercises increase lung capacity and efficiency
Breath Control
Effective techniques help improve breath-hold times
Regular use helps speed up recovery after dives


Increased Lung Function and Breath-Hold Time:
Ferrigno, M. et al.
This study showed that free-divers who used respiratory muscle training significantly improved their lung capacity and breath-hold times, making them more efficient underwater.
Improved Diving Efficiency:
Schagatay, E. et al.
Research showed that breath-hold divers can improve their efficiency through breath training, leading to longer dives and reduced oxygen consumption.
Optimized Oxygen Use:
Fitz-Clarke, J.R. et al.
Findings revealed that advanced breath training improves oxygen utilization during free-diving, which is critical in preventing hypoxia.

Reviews from free-divers

Less Fatigue, More Focus
Before using the Oumua device, I would struggle with fatigue during longer dives. Now I feel more in control and can focus better during deep dives.
- KbraIn  -
Increased Dive Time
Adding breathing training to my regimen has been a game-changer. My stamiaSince incorporating this breathing trainer into my routine, I’ve been able to stay underwater significantly longer. It’s made a massive difference in my dive times!na has increased, and I finally broke my personal best by minutes!
- Nylan -
Confidence in Deep Dives
This device has greatly improved my breath-holding abilities. I feel more confident going deeper for longer periods
- jane44- 


+ 2.1L

Average increase in lung capacity in free-divers.

75 %

Reported improvement in dive times after integrating breath training.

2.5 months

Average time of consistent breath training for measurable results.

Lungs of Steel in 2 weeks!


Exercising with
Oumua Pro Oumua app 
for 2 weeks:

  • Enhanced lung capacity

  • Improved breath control

  • Enhanced recovery

  • Reduced fatigue

  • Better free-diving performance
