Better deeper sleep
Higher stress tolerance
Reduce anxiety
Sharper focus
No mood swings
No sleep apnea
Gwenda Barker
Once you realize how wrong you're breathing during panic attacks, it makes sense to try and have more control over it. Breathing exercises helped me lower my breath rate, and it reduced the overall stress levels during the day. It also altered my response to stress in a good way: I can now just use Oumua for a few minutes instead of chain-smoking. The bonus is, I am also much more productive now that anxiety doesn’t cripple me away all the time.
Magnus Bell
Falling asleep after a month of training with Oumua takes 5 minutes tops, though I do not exercise regularly as suggested. I think it has to do with the changed breathing pattern and more oxygenation, my lungs are in their prime for sure. Sleep is also better, I need less time, and feel more energy during the day.
Cori Chapman
My clinical depression responded to medical treatment, but the episodes could launch rapidly, and last for at least some time before the meds kick in, it was absolute torture. Oumua helps me cope with the remaining physical symptoms, and now that I have become more responsible with the training protocols, (it) looks like the intensity has also decreased. (I have) less mood swings, and definitely better overall control over my emotions.
RMT and panic attacks:
Respiratory muscle tension may contribute to the respiratory sensations experienced by panic-prone individuals. Theories and treatments for panic disorder should consider this potential source of symptoms.
RMT decreases anxiety/depression:
Results also support the other known benefits of IMT such as reduced dyspnea … , decreased anxiety and depression, and improved quality of life.
RMT Improved sleep quality:
12 weeks of moderate load IMT resulted in improved sleep quality.
Improved sleep with RMT:
IMT offers a low cost, nonpharmacologic means of improving sleep.
Reduced depression level:
Respiratory muscle training reduced the level of depression; the mechanism behind the improvement in depression needs further investigation.
Depression associated with low respiratory fitness:
Among patients undergoing OHS, those with a higher level of depression or anxiety had a lower cardiorespiratory fitness than those with a low level of depression or anxiety.
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